by Direct Compactor | 14 Jul,2023

When Should I replace my cardboard baler?

You may be like so many other customers who reach out wondering if it’s time to replace their cardboard baler. The machine may be having some issues. It may be hard to figure out where the steel is because all you can see is rust on top of rust. No matter the specific circumstance, you need to make the right decision for your organization. Here’s a walk-through of some considerations for replacement.

Firstly, cardboard balers are not automobiles. You don’t necessarily need to trade yours in for a newer model every year. In fact, purchasing or renting a great refurbished baler can serve you just as well as a new one in many cases. A great baler can run for up to 10 or 20 years. That’s not always the case though. How much are you using the machine? Instead of worrying about the baler year model, it’s important to note more tangible issues. Things like speed, throughput, wear, and tear are the real challenges. Some people use compaction equipment more than others. If you make one bale of cardboard a week then you’re using the machine much less than someone who makes a bale of cardboard every hour. The best place to start is with the team who is using the machine. Is it breaking often? Is it slower than it used to be? Are there new unexplained noises? The people on your team utilizing the equipment will be able to articulate what they need. Their answers may surprise you.

The second consideration is parts availability. Many customers assume that all parts for all machines will always be available. However, there are many availability issues in the compaction industry. Is the company that manufactures the machine in operation anymore? Some manufacturers either close their doors forever or are absorbed into a larger manufacturing company. In both cases the bulk of the parts that were used to make that old machine may not be in production any longer. If it’s still in production has the model been revised? As with all products, a manufacturer may overhaul the units they sell and eventually stop making the parts for the older units. This causes a rise in the cost of older parts. When your repair bills reach $5,000.00 plus that alone may force you into looking for a replacement unit.

Lastly, many organizations have a planned replacement strategy. It may be time to replace a cardboard baler if the accounting team deems it necessary for financial reasons. Internally you would need to discuss what those are before approaching a vendor about replacement. Do keep in mind that if the team decides to rent then that rent, in many cases, is tax deductible. If you decide to purchase, then the new unit gives your financial team an item to depreciate.

No matter the reason, Direct has an industry leading compactor and baler rental program to suit you.
Direct Compactor and Baler can help. Call today!

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