Direct Compact & Baler

Restoration Service

    • Restoring a trash compactor or cardboard baler is a messy business.  It can also be costly for the one repairing the equipment.  That is why most of the companies selling used compaction equipment sell each unit “as is”, without making any adjustments.  A smaller portion of equipment companies will “rebuild” the compactors and balers, but they are really just repainting and then sending the equipment on its way.  An issue in the rebuilding process that makes it more difficult to execute well is accessibility to parts.  The used compactors and balers that are removed from businesses vary in age from 30 plus years old to almost brand new.  Much of the older equipment is built by companies who are no longer in business.  Because of this, parts aren’t always accessible.  An equipment company that just resells equipment without rebuilding it, many times, will sell a machine for cheap leaving the customer to discover it’s more expensive in the long run. The equipment may need to be replaced if certain parts can’t be sourced.Here at Direct Compactor and Baler we go the extra mile to ensure that each and every customer is getting the absolute best experience that we can provide.  Each used piece of equipment enters one of our fabrication shops for some much-needed TLC.

      First, the equipment has to be cleaned, the waste must be removed from all the nooks and crannies.  Compactors and Balers are in constant operation so waste particulate accumulates in places that one wouldn’t believe it could get to.  It may sound like the simplest thing, but many machines aren’t cleared of old trash before being sent to their new home of operation.  This step is necessary for a full inspection of the equipment during the rebuilding process.  Inspecting any equipment for old trash makes for a good test to see if the person you are buying equipment from actually repaired the mechanical systems of the equipment you are making an investment in.

      Once cleaned, we take the equipment apart checking for several things.  We remove the power unit and either repair it or replace it depending on its age and state.  This way we can ensure that each customer has the best experience possible with the mechanical systems of their machine.  We replace hoses and fluids.  We check the electrical lines to find any shorts or rewiring that may have occurred over it’s years of operation.  We adjust timers and test run the equipment.  We remove the cylinders and either repair or replace them.  We are so confident with the mechanical state of our refurbished equipment that we offer an industry leading warranty to all who buy a fully refurbished trash compactor or cardboard baler from Direct.

      Structurally there is often rust and/or holes throughout the machine from long years of environmental exposure.  The more humid the environment the more challenging this problem is.  We grind away old paint and massive amounts of rust.  We replace buckled structural steel.  We repair holes with new steel.  We weld removed safety features back onto the equipment.  All of this is necessary.  These steps can’t be skipped before painting if we want to sell the best used equipment that we can.

      After painting is complete, we utilize a multi point inspection process to ensure that all the necessary work has been completed to the Direct standard.  Very few companies will go through the time or expense of a full rebuilding process, but our customers are often repeat customers.  We don’t want to work with someone for a single transaction but through the lifetime of their compactor and baler needs.

      Please call us for more details on how you can have a fully refurbished compactor or baler sent to your location today!

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Open top roll off containers are widely used for waste storage. If one is in use at your facility, Direct Compactor and Baler can save you money!

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