Don’t know what you need? Our factory trained technicians will review your needs and recommend the best unit for the job!
The Stationary Compactor is your best compactor value. Built for reliable performance in commercial and medium industrial situations, it effectively reduces solid waste material to a fraction of its original size. It is attractively priced and features less than a minute cycle time and powerful compaction force.
A powerful commercial compactor which remains stationary while in operation. These compactors are designed for the positive containment of liquids, and are suitable for restaurants, hotels, hospitals, grocery stores, etc. They are recommended for restaurant and cafeteria waste as well as small material waste. The entire compactor and integrated container are transported to the landfill for emptying.
This smaller unit is designed specifically for customers with limited amounts of space or customers that do not generate much waste. Customers such as these can still benefit from the advantages vertical compactors offer. These unit are capable of holding wet restaurant to dry office waste.
A Pre-Crusher eliminates “light loads” of pallets, crates, large boxes, and drums that fill your container with air. The packing ram moves through the charge box with a high level of force that effectively crushes everything against the Pre-Crusher’s vertical steel wall. The wall is then raised and the ram fully extends, compacting the refuse into the attached container. Every stroke is a crushing compaction stroke. The results: fewer trips to the landfill!
Designed for industrial and commercial needs - baling waste paper, cardboard, foam rubber, plastics and aluminum cans. They come in various sizes and are capable of producing bales weighing 250-1,000 lbs.
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